MAY’S REPORT 5.06.2020
I Praise God for the gift of life and we are all well in Jesus’ name. Let me hope this Report finds you in good health.
The Home is moving on well and all the children are healthy but with a few who have been admitted but they are now back in the Home. We had Angel Nyangoma and Catherine Nyakato who were admitted for 5 days due to cough and fever. The rest of the children are now ok and moving on well.
We have one baby Gift Mary who has a problem with her bark and we go for Physiotherapy classes in the Main Hospital every Thursday and the doctor recommended a supporting chair that can help her sit. The doctor said her growth rate is too slow that we continue with the exercises she may sit.
We have another baby John Kisembo who was admitted in the Home in March was discovered having bracket legs. He was taken to the Main Hospital and they tried to make his legs normal by putting plaster and after two weeks it will be removed and he will be fine.
The staff is also ok and doing their work very well and since this pandemic occurred the mothers have never gone for their off days because of the country lockdown.
Home Status
The Home is moving on well with 47 children, 24 girls and 23 boys and in May we got one new baby who was abandoned by a mentally sick mother who was almost killing her. She is called Lamulati Mbabazi and the man who picked her is the one who gave her that name. She was totally malnourished but it’s now coming to one month she has improved greatly. She was in the quarantine for two week and after testing negative she was admitted in the Home.
This May we got few donations from local people because most of them have no means of transport due to the Lockdown.
Kagote Farm
Kagote is doing well as usual and we get enough matooke. We have begun to harvest the vegetables too.
Kasiisi Farm
This farm is now doing very well with matooke, maize, sweet potatoes, beans, groundnuts, vegetables, irish potatoes and many others. We get good food every week.
The Home is protecting the children and they play from the upper yard and no visitor sees them. We have tried to make them busy with some plays and watching cartoons.
I pray this Pandemic to end and we do our work as usual because most travels were stopped and this affected our growth in the Home.
Am praying for you all to stay safe and alive.
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