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Kirungi Racheal

Kirungi Racheal is now aged 14years, she has been getting swellings on her head and back since September 2021 we took her to Kabarole Hospital twice but the swellings still came back. On 7/01/2022 we try a different hospital then we went to Maranatha hospital where they did a CBC which show low iron count. They gave us metronidazole oral suspension, cloxacillin dry syrup and silver sulfadiazine cream. Also did the blood test on vitamin B12 , vitamin D and calcium from Lancet laboratories which Vitamin B12 and D were deficient. Now she is on special diet every day and the doctors recommended the use of soft pillows to make her comfortable and the wound on the back not to reach the bed.

This special food will also be shared by Stephen and Gift.

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